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Beach plum project manager Rick Uva helps prune at Coonamessett Farm.
Dave Simser, IPM specialist, SIMSER, Inc. (left), and farmer, Ronald
Smolowitz (right), consult on pest management issues at Coonamessett

Andrew Senesac conducting herbicide safety tests on beach
plum at Cornell University's Long Island Horticulture Research Lab. This leaf shows symptoms of herbicide damage.

Bill Clark of Cape Cod Cooperative Extension pioneered the renewed interest in beach plum development. He got the ball rolling in 1996 with a Massachusetts Department
of Agriculture grant.

John Roberts a food scientist at the New York
State Agricultural Experiment Station views a beach plum planting at Coonamessett

Beach Plum Industry Advisory Board meets at Coonamessett Farm May
15, 2001.
 The Industry Advisory Board views beach plums at Coonamessett Farm.
Steve Richards, a home-based winemaker in upstate New York, develops beach
plum wine.
Wen-fei Uva, horticulture
marketing specialist, Cornell University, gathers
seed on Long Island, New York.
Olga Padilla-Zakour evaluates the antioxidant
content of beach plum fruit at the New York State Food Ventures
Bob Weybright, Extension Support Specialist, Agriculture Innovation Center at Cornell University, in front of beach plums along the Hudson River in Battery Park.
Tom Whitlow (right) and Ken Mudge, professors in Cornell's Department of Horticulture, after the 2004 annual meeting.