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Brown rot fungi, Monilinia spp., is the most common and most damaging
disease of beach plum. The blossom blight phase occurs in spring ...

... and the fruit rot phase occurs in late summer.

The beach plum's most serious insect pest is the plum gouger, Anthonomous scutellaris. It is similar to plum
curculio, and makes a hole in fruit as seen in the seeds shown above.
Minor pests include plum pockets which deform the fruit ...
... and peach leaf curl, both caused by a Taphrina spp.fungus.

Black knot, a fungal disease, affects beach plum and other stone fruit.
Aphids, such as Hysteroneura setariae, may be controlled naturally by predatory
insects like the "lady bug" shown here.

Red humped apple moth caterpillars, Schizura comcinna, can defoliate plants.
Tent caterpillars also can infest beach plums.